Relief Society

Lakewood Sisters,

Message from President Nichol Dowell

Don’t look back!  That’s not where you are going. 

I love the story of Lot’s wife. In this new year I’m not going to just try to not look back on the things that weren’t serving my family and my covenants, but I’m anxiously going to look forward to things that will serve and strengthen my family and my covenants. I have loved spending time with many of you in the temple. If we haven’t had a chance to go together yet, I would love being part of and benefitting from your spiritual momentum! Please reach out to me! 

Our presidency deeply cares for you, your success and your progress in your relationship with the Lord and your families. 

Elder Holland has just the right insights you set your sights and goals on eternal things. 


Nichol Dowell and The Lakewood RS Presidency


Every Tuesday  Scripture class every Tuesday at 7pm in the Relief Society room

Weekly Join President Nichol Dowell in the temple.  Updates for day and time are posted by Nichol in the Facebook group each week.  

Thursday, Jan 30, 7pm RS Room:  Family History easy indexing night. With new apps & tech. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025 6pm  Worldwide Relief Society Devotional and Testimony Meeting 

February baby drive stake project (details coming)

March Relief Society celebration (details coming)

April Elder’s quorum dinner (details coming)

Lakewood Ward Mission Plan 2025

Monthly Missionary Challenge:

We will outline monthly missionary goals/activities that will assist us to achieving our baptismal goals by utilizing 12 mini action plans, one for reach month.
Strengthen our ward by,

Relief Society Participation Suggestions

JANUARY 2025 Missionary Work Challenge 

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “But remember, the Lord has never required expert, flawless missionary efforts. Instead, “the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.”

Pray not only for the missionaries to find the elect. Pray daily with all your heart that you will find those who will come and see, come and help, and come and stay. Keep the full-time missionaries in the loop. They are like angels, ready to help!

As you share the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, do so with love and patience.

Doctrine and Covenants 64:34

Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.

The Ward Council would like to challenge your family to:

Weekly Temple Sessions

President Nichol Dowell would love to invite you to join her in the temple.  She goes every week and any sister is welcome to join her.  She will post her days and times in the Facebook group and try different timing slots to see what works for her and others. 

Lakewood Ward Relief Society Facebook Page

Do you need a little help with something?  We would love to have you share it on our Facebook Page. Here is the link to the Lakewood Ward Relief Society Facebook Page.


Facebook page access

Do you need help getting access to our Facebook page?  Talk to Tracy Spackman.  Once you are friends with Tracy on Facebook, she can easily add you to the Lakewood Ward Relief Society Facebook Page.

What Is Counseling in Relief Society?

At the very beginning of ward or branch Relief Society meetings — on the second and fourth Sundays of each month — right after the opening prayer, Relief Society sisters have the opportunity to counsel together about subjects that mean the most to them.

Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson said: It is a tender time where women have the opportunity to share their most personal feelings about what is happening in their lives, all with a focus on the Savior Jesus Christ, 

Counsel about “What is in your heart, or what keeps you up at night? All of this is counseling about the work of salvation and exaltation,”

What are some questions or topics you think we can counsel about?  What are some of your burning questions?  

This week, we are just counseling on topics to counsel on.

   For example:

Warm wishes,
Lakewood Relief Society Presidency